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Welcome to the ADempiere 3.6.0LTS Rev. Kenos 2015 Home Page!

Web Start

ADempiere WebStart Install  Java 8 JRE (Runtime) and press WebStart
If you have trouble starting, try this (or via Applet)
If needed install the server certificate in Java Preferences

Local Install

ADempiere Client ZipInstall  Java 8 JRE (Runtime);
Download and extract the ADempiere Client zip file on your Client;
Start ADempiere via RUN_Adempiere

Web Application

ADempiere ZK WebUI


Web Based POS - Contributed by Posterita

Self Service

Web Store - Send Request

Server Admin

ADempiere Server Management

ADempiere Support

Wiki - Manual - IRC Channel
Forums - Support Requests

© Copyright 2008 ADempiere - All rights reserved - ADempiere License is GPL